Watch this astro-physicist explain how today’s powerful telescopes enable scientists to observe the universe’s creation event and how it matches the biblical account. Featuring Dr. Hugh Ross, PhD Astronomy, University of Toronto, Cal Tech. Author of MORE THAN A THEORY and WHY THE UNIVERSE IS THE WAY IT IS. ...
What is new atheism? Preeminent philosopher Norman Geisler scrutinizes and shows you great responses to new atheist arguments you’re hearing in our culture. ...
Is there any shred of scientific evidence that life was CREATED by design? Dr. Stephen Meyer, author of SIGNATURE IN THE CELL, shows you reasoning techniques and scientific evidence, both. ...
Slam Poet Phil Long artistically and sincerely asks the more hostile segment of the atheistic community: “Why are you so mad at a God you don’t believe in?” ...
Most religions and cults say one earns his way to heaven. Christians disagree. But do Christians say good deeds have zero worth and we can sin at will? Mike Fabarez answers with a diagram. ...
1,000 pages of Bible drawn on a napkin? Author James Choung draws 4 circles to communicate the fall of man, then Jesus and the cross, up through today’s issues like social justice. ...