OverflowToday.com >> The 5 Week Challenge!

How the gospel can OVERFLOW from you to others:

3-5 minute video and audio shows

Take the Overflow Today five week challenge by incorporating ONE podcast ONCE A WEEK into your small group, discipleship time, or just on your own, and you will be amazed at the difference it will make in your confidence in talking to your friends about Christ and in communicating a clear gospel message to others.We picked five our MVPs, Most Valuable Productions, which we believe will help you get started right away in evangelism with easy to use discussion guides, and applicable action steps.

Start to experience the difference these simple principles can make in your relationships with peers, classmates, and co-workers.

Here’s how it works. We picked five of our MVPs!

STEP 1 – Listen to one 5-minute show with your small group each week. Discuss the show together using our Overflow discussion guide. At the end of your discussion each week, each member chooses one idea to apply the following week with non-Christian friends.

STEP 2 – When you come together the following week, discuss what happened. What seemed to go well? What didn’t go so well? What did you like or not like? What questions did it bring up for you?

STEP 3 – Then choose someone from the group to send a few sentences to Overflow Today by emailing story@overflowshow.com
The best entry each month wins any one book covered by Overflow Today in print form or audio form, your choice.

*Or, as a small group, pick your own list of 5 Overflow Today programs to discuss.

Party Evangelism

Listen | Discussion Guide

Becoming More Approachable

Listen | Discussion Guide

Evil and Suffering?

Listen | Discussion Guide

Deep Questions

Listen | Discussion Guide

Only One Way?

Listen | Discussion Guide

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